eCRISMA® – CKK's Management Tool

Emer­gency and crisis man­age­ment is not al­ways lim­ited to the cor­por­ate headquar­ters, but must be im­ple­men­ted in par­al­lel in other op­er­at­ing fa­cil­it­ies in Ger­many and abroad or at a re­mote loc­a­tion.

Not every­where are doc­u­ments then read­ily avail­able in folders, files and large-format plans.

CKK Con­sult has de­veloped eCRISMA® for these cases, with the help of which, with any In­ter­net-en­abled device, you and your team can have rapid ac­cess every­where and at any time to all the latest doc­u­ments.

Clearly-struc­tured and easy-to-handle, eCRISMA® is the up-to-date emer­gency and crisis man­age­ment tool for crisis teams and task forces.

The in­teg­rated up­date ser­vice of CKK Con­sult keeps your doc­u­ments up-to-date at short no­tice and across all doc­u­ments. The doc­u­ments are pass­word-pro­tec­ted on se­cure serv­ers - even if your cor­por­ate net­work is down due to an event.

We are happy to demon­strate eCRISMA® in de­tail with all fea­tures and ap­plic­a­tion ex­amples.

CKK Services with eCRISMA®

  • Pro­duc­tion of the eCRISMA® struc­ture on the basis of doc­u­ment­a­tion provided by the cus­tom­er
  • In­teg­ra­tion of the doc­u­ments (e.g.: or­gan­iz­a­tion­al manu­als, AGAP, func­tion­al spe­cific­a­tions, ser­vice in­struc­tions, check­lists, maps, pho­tos, il­lus­tra­tions, ...) into the eCRISMA® ap­plic­a­tion
  • In­tro­duc­tion to the use of the tool at the cus­tom­er's of­fice (ap­prox. 2 hours)
  • Regu­lar up­dat­ing of the doc­u­ments
  • eCRISMA® is hos­ted on se­cure serv­ers

eCRISMA short and sweet

Data man­age­ment
Docu­ments are main­tained cent­rally

Num­ber of users

Ac­cess to the ap­lic­a­tion
User name / Pass­word (spe­cif­ic as­sign­ment of per­mis­sion to use pos­sible)

Devices on which the ap­plic­a­tion can run

  • PC
  • Mac
  • Tab­let
  • Smart­phone

Re­quired soft­ware on the equip­ment
Latest In­ter­net browser and PDF App


Off­line use
Save the doc­u­ments on the devices

With all print­ers con­nec­ted to the device (print com­mand of the PDF app)

Assign­ment of the doc­u­ments

  • All users
  • Selec­ted users
  • Selec­ted doc­u­ments

Out­put of the doc­u­ments

  • In­di­vidu­al doc­u­ments
  • Ar­bit­rar­ily com­piled doc­u­ment col­lec­tions
  • Com­plete manu­als

Other fea­tures
Links to the In­ter­net: Google, the weath­er re­port, water level re­ports, Wiki­pe­dia, Twit­ter, etc. can be ac­cessed from eCRISMA® with a single click.

Care / Up­date
Docu­ments are main­tained cent­rally by CKK

An­nu­al li­cence

Upon re­quest, CKK pre­pares crisis man­age­ment manu­als, emer­gency plans as well as alarm and haz­ard pre­ven­tion plans.